Friday, August 2, 2013

not for the faint of heart....

Well we have had a whirl wind of a week! My guy, Chad, was married before and since he got divorced his ex wife has done pretty much anything she can think of to make his life a living HELL. She has made things up and had him arrested repeatedly, she has filled the kids heads full of.... well honestly shit.... And since we started living together she has done everything she can to upset not just him but me too. She has attacked me on multiple occasions, she has threatened everyone in our house including my two children who live with me. She even went as far as to threaten my son in front of a gym full of people at a basketball game one of the boys was playing in and when she didn't get her way she called the police to have me arrested. Luckily it back fired on her and she ended up being the one who went to jail that time.( Saddest part is she actually put her youngest kid in the back of the cop car with her before they took her away.) I even took her son to the ER not long after Chad and I started seeing each other because he cut his knee open on a rock and needed stitches and instead of being grateful that I  had gotten her son the medical attention he needed she attacked me in the parking lot and Chad was hit multiple times in the head and back while keeping himself between us. The worst incident was early this year. She found out I was pregnant and completely freaked out. With all the stress she put me and Chad under within a month I had lost the baby, which she couldn't have been happier about.

This is our weekend and she had again done everything that she can to make life miserable for everyone. Since this is Chad's third shift week he comes home about 8 a.m. he was just going to swing by her house and get the boys which is about 5 miles from where he works and come home, which is about 30 miles from where he works. But of course she said oh no one of the boys has practice at 5:30 up here so you can't get them till after that. Hate to tell her but at 6 they legally become ours so if we wanted to act like her we would just take them, but Chad is a wonderful dad and instead of arguing with her he asked if they wanted him to get them after practice or at 8 in the morning? She couldn't seem to understand the question and just kept saying junk about how they needed to be going to church on Sundays that they are with us and how she knows we don't go to church because I don't believe in God. Let me just be the first to say that I do believe in God and I have my own relationship with him, it may not be the same way she wants it to be but it's my way. I am a firm believer in the fact that church is not the place to go dump your kids and send them off to play video games and have social hour while you as the adult are herded  to a different room to hear the word. Also I don't think that you need three or four huge TV's set up so you can see the preacher. What happened to sitting with your parents in rows of chairs, listening to the same sermon, taking the same message in and talking about it later with your family? That's the way I was raised anyways and I turned out just fine. I would love nothing more than to tell her that by judging others she isn't acting the way the bible tells us to anyways so how dare she say anything about anyone else? " Ye without sin my cast the first stone." ~~ Just sayin' (oh best part it's now after 6 and no one is at practice. Only know because super dad drove all the way up there to get them and then will have to drive all the way back to drop them off and turn around and drive all the way back again to go to work all in about 2 hours of starting this crap.)

                                                         ( probably something she would have to ask herself)

AAAAAHHHHHH I feel so much better now. Told you guys I was going to use this thing to bitch when I am overly stressed. LOL all I can say is this had better be a good weekend all around cuz if not I'm going to bust some heads. Sadly she has the oldest boy convinced that no one here loves or wants him and we haven't had him in almost 3 months. Looks like he is coming tonight, but who knows because he was supposed to come every other weekend for the last 3 months and she manages to get him all worked up and he either gets upset when he gets here and we end up having to take him back or he just doesn't come at all. Things really are hard when it comes to dealing with her and her behavior and the way she tells the kids to act. I wish that she could get over Chad and realize she is the one who filed for divorce, she is the one who had the boyfriend, she is the one who has been married and divorced within 3 months again, she is the one who is responsible for her life and how unhappy she is with it. And she needs to get it through her head that he is happy with me and needs to back off because she can't seem to do that for herself.

And this woman has tons of nerve on top of everything even though we give her 800 dollars a month in child support she calls every week and wants more money for clothes, shoes, game equipment, school supplies and trip out of town. Really?? I want a free ride too!! The only reason I am posting all this is because I know the kids wont be checking out my blog and I really need to get this off of my chest since I will not say things to the kids about their mom. They get totally bent out of shape if you even ask them a question and they think you might be saying something that could possibly be about their mother. I guess you get defensive when you know she isn't doing right but you don't want others to think it.  ~~ maybe Chad wont see this one either LOL.


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