Monday, August 26, 2013

Everybody needs a little pink.........

I feel like I have neglected my blog for a week. We have just been so busy with life that it has slipped my mind the last few days. Kids are in school again which is great for my sanity for sure, until they are home on the weekends and these boys just don't stop fighting with each other. Someone once told me that is just the way boys interact with each other, but I am not buying it. I finally got upset and told them if they had to beat the hell out of each other to take it out in the yard because I am not having them tare my house up. I wish I could explain that same concept to this kitten and puppy.....

Mr. Wonderful is LOVING his new job. I can't tell you how many times he said over the weekend my body doesn't know what to do not having to change shifts. He also made the comment that this might be the first job he has ever had with normal hours. I am so glad that he is enjoying this job. I think everyone deserves a job they can at least stand, but to really like it is golden. He has propositioned me twice already to sneak up to the club house after the kids go to bed "since they have a big leather sofa up there." *Wink wink* He has also asked if I would like to sneak up to the pool after midnight......  uuhhhh no not really it's cold lol. (Just a note for anyone who doesn't know, he was really only joking when he said that. It was all in play just to tease me.)  And besides I have read so many stories of couples who are trying to get pregnant and their sex life just goes to hell because all they are thinking about is what day do we HAVE to do it on to get pregnant and they stop enjoying each other so it hurts their relationship that much more. We look at it like if it happens then that is awesome, but in the mean time we are going to practice a bunch and have fun at it since after this one we wont be doing it again and we will have to start being all careful again. The longest conversation we have regarding getting pregnant goes like this. Chad: "Hey you wanna?" said with that beautiful coy smile. Me: "yeah I always wanna." Chad: " Is it a boy day or a girl day?" Me: "It's a practice day" LOL I always know if it's a boy day or a girl day according to the chart, but I don't always tell him so it's not a stress thing. And for the record all the fun we have been having this week isn't an anything day we are already past that part of the month.
(see the pink? we want pink this time.)

Last night I was sitting on the couch with Mr. Wonderful watching something on TV ~ I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it obviously ~ painting my finger nails bright pink like the color of bubble gum. Mr. Wonderful was playing on the laptop with his feet in my lap...... SOOOOOO the opportunity presented it's self and I pounced. He had to put his socks on to hide his pretty pink toes this morning  after Zach looked at him like he was out of his mind. Now that is love, when your girl shares her pink polish with you and your guy sits there and knowingly lets you paint his toes and he knew good and well I was going to tell everyone who reads my blog about it too.  We have so many little things that we do daily to show love for each other. Couple of days ago we were sitting on the couch and I had a sandwich, he had already said he didn't want me to make him one, but he kept looking over at mine like a puppy. So I asked if he wanted a bite? Well let me warn all you women out there in case you don't already know, when you ask your man if he wants a bite you might not get your sandwich back. One bite was like half my dang sandwich lol.

Bryce had his first football game Saturday ~ GO VIKINGS! They won 18 to 13 and he had a few really good runs and a pretty good hit too. Now like I've said before I don't really know a lot about football. I know when they do good and I even know some of what those funny hand gestures mean when they throw a flag on the play (see I know a little) but I never can remember what all the positions are.  Bryce is the guy who is on the end of the line that blocks the dude who is supposed to catch the ball when they throw it to him. And sometimes he is the guy who they throw the ball to and he runs like the devil is chasing him, whatever those positions are called. I have to say I was very proud of him, but I did get my feelings hurt a little. I know he didn't mean to and it's all his mothers fault, but it still happened. Out of all of Chad's children Bryce is my favorite, I know I know you aren't supposed to do that, but oh well I have one. Anyways after the game he was coming off the field and I know he saw us in the stands because he did look up and give me his grandma's little half smile, but he still gave us a wide birth so to speak, so as usual I made my presence known and yelled "good game Bryce!" nice and loud. One because I knew his mom was standing behind me and because I want people to know even though I am the "evil step-mom" that I am very proud of him and of course because I knew it would make him smile which it did produce an ear to ear grin as he yelled thank you back at me. But of course as soon as "real mom" heard me she yelled for him to get up there! In case he might have come to see me after all. I was just glad he didn't seem angry at me because as usual she had been up to her tricks and totally lied to the boys over the weekend about me and their dad. Chad was changing jobs last weekend and had to work 2nd shift which started at 4. Mom didn't want to let me pick up the boys on Friday ~ she has already made it clear that I am not on the court papers to get them ~ And then she told us we couldn't get them until after practice Saturday morning which would put us at about 11 before we could even bring them home. So Chad asked her to just trade him weekends which she said ok to last weekend, but when it was time for us to get them this weekend she said oh we didn't trade you just said you weren't coming to get them because you had to work and your girlfriend wont keep them if you aren't home. REALLY???? Who in the hell does she think has been keeping them every weekend for the last year and a half??? GGGGRRRRRR!!!! So long story short Chad had to explain to them that was total bunk and that we would be getting them next weekend since their mom was being stupid. It kills me that she calls and leaves me ugly messages about how I am not pushing her kids away from their dad, but then the next week she is pulling some junk like this. Well dang girl even if I wanted to push them I wouldn't have to do a dang thing cuz you are doing it for me!

(This is Bryce after his game. He is all hot and sweaty and gross!)

Ok off that subject before my computer explodes from the sheer power of how hard I am pressing the keys. I am waiting around today to hopefully hear from the manager at the Taco Mac about an interview to start working. I went down there twice last week to bug him, but he said they were going to start setting up interviews today and tomorrow...... cross your fingers : )  I am so ready to go back to work and be making some money!!!!! If they call I might decide to get off my butt and get the whole house really clean so that it is done. Love how a new job can motivate me to get some things done.

Oh on a funny note: Zach was supposed to go to his dads yesterday. Bryan calls me and says he is running a little late and will be down after awhile. Ok no big deal I was still in bed anyways. So when I got of the phone I closed my eyes for just a minute and woke up to knocking on the door. I jumped up and hurried to the door, pulled it open, and there stands his dad, you know my ex..... and I am standing in the door in this little black night gown that doesn't leave a lot to the imagination...... I'm not sure which of us was more embarrassed. To make it that much better the puppy runs out the door and escapes on me which gave us a reason to stop standing in the door anyways. He went to catch the puppy and I went to put a lot more clothes on and gather up Zach. In an attempt to make myself feel better I just kept thinking well we do have a kid together and he has seen it all before. Yeah that didn't really help since he hasn't seen it in almost 12 years and it all looks different now.  All I can do is shake my head.

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