Well my Zach has been running around singing this crazy song the last couple of days and I have no idea what he has been saying because every time he starts to sing it he busts into giggles and looks at Jay and then Jay busts into giggles too. I finally realized tonight they were singing about how cows say moo and cats say meow. So between the gasps of air I finally got them to tell me what the hell they were singing and laughing so hard at. So here is the music video for everyone to have a giggle at and if I start saying the fox says Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! you guys will know what I am talking about LOL!
Yes I know my children are crazy, but they are a lot of fun. These are the same children that showed me the how animals eat video too. If you want a good laugh you should check it out on youtube I laughed and laughed and of course I had to check out all the other videos these two guys had made too and then I had to show my friend Amber and we laughed some more. Sometimes I forget they are getting a little older now and some of their humor is actually funny instead of all the mommy, mommy look it's blue's clue's or something silly like that. In all honesty I'm not even sure kids watch blue's clue's anymore, but it was Zach's favorite show when he was a little guy so that is what I always associate with his early years.
So I am really enjoying having a job again, but I really can't talk about work much since there is just no way to be politically correct with it. You see I have these two managers and well, one is a black man and the other is a gay man...... See the issue? It really wouldn't matter what I said someone would get offended LOL. Actually they are both really nice and I have enjoyed working with both of them. In fact on my second day they turned me loose on the register all by myself up front and I actually did a good job only had to have one thing voided out : ) All the people up there seem to be really nice and they are taking good care of me to make sure I don't just not show up the next day LOL apparently that is a problem or something.

Yeah this is me LOL
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