Thursday, September 26, 2013

Those sons of Elle....

Well my Zach has been running around singing this crazy song the last couple of days and I have no idea what he has been saying because every time he starts to sing it he busts into giggles and looks at Jay and then Jay busts into giggles too. I finally realized tonight they were singing about how cows say moo and cats say meow. So between the gasps of air I finally got them to tell me what the hell they were singing and laughing so hard at. So here is the music video for everyone to have a giggle at and if I start saying the fox says Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! you guys will know what I am talking about LOL!
Yes I know my children are crazy, but they are a lot of fun. These are the same children that showed me the how animals eat video too. If you want a good laugh you should check it out on youtube I laughed and laughed and of course I had to check out all the other videos these two guys had made too and then I had to show my friend Amber and we laughed some more. Sometimes I forget they are getting a little older now and some of their humor is actually funny instead of all the mommy, mommy look it's blue's clue's or something silly like that. In all honesty I'm not even sure kids watch blue's clue's anymore, but it was Zach's favorite show when he was a little guy so that is what I always associate with his early years.


So I am really enjoying having a job again, but I really can't talk about work much since there is just no way to be politically correct with it. You see I have these two managers and well, one is a black man and the other is a gay man...... See the issue? It really wouldn't matter what I said someone would get offended LOL. Actually they are both really nice and I have enjoyed working with both of them. In fact on my second day they turned me loose on the register all by myself up front and I actually did a good job only had to have one thing voided out : ) All the people up there seem to be really nice and they are taking good care of me to make sure I don't just not show up the next day LOL apparently that is a problem or something.
Yeah this is me LOL

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Around here..........

Around here our mornings start about 6:30 with my alarm going off in unison with Mr. Wonderfuls. We both push snooze and cuddle for the next 5 minutes, then it's up and at 'em to get Jay up and ready for school. Zach doesn't have to get up quiet as early, but usually he ends up getting up roughly about the same time. Then it's go, go, go for the next half an hour until Jay scampers out the door to meet his friends and walk down to the bus stop on the corner. Zach is usually ready by now and gets to watch some TV or play computer or whatever until about 7:20 when he meets the girls next door to walk up to his bus stop, collecting one of his best buddies in the neighborhood along the way. Next is Mr. Wonderful finishing getting himself ready for work, grabbing that cup of coffee, and giving me a kiss on his way out the door to be at work by 8. Now here comes the good part..... For about the next hour I am very happy to sit in the house and have everything quiet while I drink my coffee, and just chill out before I get on doing whatever my heart desires for the rest of the day until Jay gets home in the afternoon. I actually don't overly enjoy having the whole house alone all the time while the kids are at school and Mr. Wonderful is at work to tell the truth, which is why I am very excited to start back at work and going to school. Sometimes I just need out of the house and to be able to talk to other adults without having to hear "MOM! MOM! MOM!" I love my children, but I love my big girl time too.

 I have to say that since the boys went back to school I have been able to do all kinds of neat craft type things that I have been wanting to try. I have a new one that I will probably be working on later today when it warms up a little outside. I wrote about a different project that I worked on with paint and letters on an old piece of art in my last post. Well I just happen to have a second copy of that same picture so I am going to try something else with it. If you write or draw on the picture with glue and let it dry and then paint over the whole thing with a solid color the glue stands up like puffy paint and makes a really neat looking piece of art out of one you didn't like before so I am going to give it a shot. I also think I have decided how to handle that table I was talking about. Since it is an outside table when I looked at it all I could think of was a cartoon I had seen with my children at the beginning of one of their movies ( I think it was Finding Nemo) where the old man in sitting in the park playing checkers and then you realized he is playing by himself, and my brain being as random as it is I said to myself  " Hey self you could put a checkers board on top of that outside table and it would be cool." So I guess I am going to measure out some squares and start painting half of them red. I think it is going to turn out kind of neat and hopefully someone else will too lol.

This is the cartoon I was talking about. Super cute! Turns out he is playing chess btw, I know Mr. Wonderful will be saying it so I am going to correct myself before he does lol.

So Mr. Wonderful wants to move some furniture around in boys bedrooms. Right now we have 3 loft beds and a double sized bed in one room and then two single sized beds in the other room. We are going to talk with Zach and Jay and see if they want a loft bed and possibly to separate them and each have their own room for the two weeks the other boys aren't here. Guess we will see how this goes, but he got me a new frame for the double sized bed so we can finally set it up and take 2 of the loft beds down. Kaleb doesn't really like to sleep alone (I think he is scared of the dark) so he usually gets one of the other boys to bunk with him and there is no reason to take up the whole bedroom with 4 beds when only 2 of them ever get used and half the time we only have 2 of the boys coming right now anyways. (Don't you love teenagers and their fickle behaviors.) I know Zach and Jay have both expressed a want to have their own room and some of their own space, but they have been together since Jay was born and it would be a super difficult thing to try and separate all of their things.....  Glad we are working on getting a yard sale together and both of them have been asking if they can sell stuff too that they don't want or need anymore.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What-a-do girl? (yes I like kicking it!)

I saw the most beautiful picture of my sweet baby niece Abby that was done while they were on vacation over the weekend and I have to share it. You know you are gorgeous when a characture is even flattering.

For the past week or so I have been working on all kinds of craft type projects just to have something to do with myself.  Some of them have worked out great while others were just ok. One of them was something that I had seen on my Pintrest, where you take a piece of art work that is really colorful, but you don't really like the actual picture, and cut out letters that you can tape down and then paint over the whole thing with a solid color. When you take the letters off the colors show through in the shape of whatever words you wrote. My first attempt didn't come out quite the way I had hoped it would and some of the letters had some smudges and runs under them. Guess I used cheap tape and it didn't hold them down very well. You can still see that it says "Love is blind" and I used a beige colored paint to cover the whole thing with which I don't think was the best idea either. Next time I think I will try some black or dark colored paint like blue or purple or something that will really cover the art under the paint. I also painted some flowers, lady bugs, butterflies, dragonflies and bee's on a watering can. And someone gave me a cute little outside table and two little chairs that matched, but they had been outside for quite some time and were very weathered so I spray painted them black to cover up everything including the glass that was just too dirty to do anything else with. Mr. Wonderful seems to think I should paint some kind of picture on the top of it and make it pretty. I love that he has so much faith in me lol.

 I am getting ready to hopefully have a yard sale this coming up weekend since we have plenty of things we just want to get rid of. If I can finish the table top in time I think I may take it up to the yard sale as well. We just don't have a big enough yard to have it and the bird bath and all the neighborhood kids in it all the time. And since I  can't seem to get the kids out of the yard and I really like the bird bath might as well see if we can't make a few bucks off of the table before I figure out where to squeeze it in : ). I guess I need to check the weather for this weekend before I get up to the common area and set everything up just to get rained on......

Got some great news today. Looks like I got the job! YAY!!! Thanks to my dear friend Amber for putting such a great word with her boss for me. Now I can finally get my ass enrolled in collage for the first time ever. I was pregnant with my son Zachary when I graduated high school and being a single mom from day one I didn't really give myself the option to further my own education so I put that on the back burner until it was the right time. I am happy to announce that it seems now is the right time. I have discussed it with Mr. Wonderful and he is in full support of my want to attend collage and thinks it will be a great move for myself and our family. Looks like I am going to be studying to become a nurse.  I love having such an awesome man in my life, I am so blessed that he is mine. He took me to lunch today so that we could have a little time together just us, so sweet that he thinks of the little things like that.

We had a crazy weekend full of non stop go, go, go, go. First we got Luke, Bryce and Kaleb on Friday, then on Saturday morning Zach went to see his dad so we were down to 4. Bryce had a game Saturday afternoon, they killed us poor guys, and Luke and Kaleb decided to stay with their mom after she showed her ass in front of a stadium full of people like always. Bryce is a daddy's boy so he came with us which put us down to just the 2 boys Jason and Bryce. We decided to go see a movie Saturday night, White house down Chad and Bryce liked it, Jay and I were a little board towards the end of it even though Channing Tatum is a god among men when it comes to the sexy factor.  When we got home that evening Amber had dropped off 2 pizzas that they had gotten in a messed up order, Score! Then Sunday the four of us went to the Asian market and wondered around and did a little grocery shopping, and tried all the samples of everything. When we got home I made sushi because I had really been wanting it for about a week, and after that we had Japanese noodles and Korean BBQ for dinner YUMMMM!!!!! Zach finally made it home and Mr. Wonderful had to run Bryce back to his moms and by the time we were done with all that everyone was exhausted and needed to get back to school and work to take a break lol.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What the Elle is wrong with this month?

I know I haven't posted in about two weeks, but I have had a sh*t ton of things going on this month. Most of which I don't even want to think about let alone post on here so we are going to pretend for a few minutes that these things are not going on : ) I have actually had a request to start writing again so here it goes. (Thank you Christy for keeping me straight!!)

On a brighter note: I love Chad! He is a wonderful, caring, loving man who supports me in all that I do. Which is why I am very excited to spend the rest of my life with him. Sadly we will not be getting married on Saturday as we had originally planned. We had decided to just wait a little longer and let things calm down in our life and get some thing taken care of again before we spend the money to have a big old wedding for all our friends and family that can make it. Of course we have also talked about just running off and getting married in the court house and then having a real wedding later. That way we could go ahead and do it and still keep the family speaking to us by having a ceremony they can all come to as well.  Part of the problem is I am impatient about becoming Mrs. Reeves hehehe. Both of his parents have told us to go for it in fact they both wanted to know why we haven't already.

Speaking of his parents, his father got bad news from the doctor yesterday. He has been fighting lung cancer as long as I have known him and we found out yesterday that it has spread to his brain and my be untreatable at this point. I am very sad about this because I was greatly looking forward to finally meeting my father -in-law and it doesn't seem that I will be able to now. I still have a fantastic mother-in-law to meet and her equally fantastic husband to meet and I look forward to that day as well, but I had wanted to meet the man who fathered my Mr. Wonderful face to face. I also feel horrible for Chad's step mother and his little sister who is only 6 and is losing her father at such a young age. She is such a special little girl and I love more than anything to her him answer the phone when she calls and say hey baby girl what are you up to? And then she tells him he is a punk and she is going to kick his butt! : ) Wonderful child and I just love her already.

This really is Chad's little sister. Isn't she the cutest!!!!

I have a job interview in tomorrow in a bakery! I am not sure if I am going to be able to take the job honestly because it is much farther away than I thought, but I would love to get paid to bake cupcakes and things. Even if the shift does start at 4 a.m. and is 5 days a week. Shoot the paper was 2:30 a.m. and 7 days a week so this should be easy in comparison lol. My best friend Amber may be able to swing me a job working with her which will be the sh*t all on it's own. We would have a freaking awesome time getting to work together and since we are both serious LEO women we would kick a$$ and take names : ) and have far to much fun the process. OK well I guess it's time to go back to the real world and take care of business there. I will try to do better than one post in the next two weeks.