I saw the most beautiful picture of my sweet baby niece Abby that was done while they were on vacation over the weekend and I have to share it. You know you are gorgeous when a characture is even flattering.

For the past week or so I have been working on all kinds of craft type projects just to have something to do with myself. Some of them have worked out great while others were just ok. One of them was something that I had seen on my Pintrest, where you take a piece of art work that is really colorful, but you don't really like the actual picture, and cut out letters that you can tape down and then paint over the whole thing with a solid color. When you take the letters off the colors show through in the shape of whatever words you wrote. My first attempt didn't come out quite the way I had hoped it would and some of the letters had some smudges and runs under them. Guess I used cheap tape and it didn't hold them down very well. You can still see that it says "Love is blind" and I used a beige colored paint to cover the whole thing with which I don't think was the best idea either. Next time I think I will try some black or dark colored paint like blue or purple or something that will really cover the art under the paint. I also painted some flowers, lady bugs, butterflies, dragonflies and bee's on a watering can. And someone gave me a cute little outside table and two little chairs that matched, but they had been outside for quite some time and were very weathered so I spray painted them black to cover up everything including the glass that was just too dirty to do anything else with. Mr. Wonderful seems to think I should paint some kind of picture on the top of it and make it pretty. I love that he has so much faith in me lol.

I am getting ready to hopefully have a yard sale this coming up weekend since we have plenty of things we just want to get rid of. If I can finish the table top in time I think I may take it up to the yard sale as well. We just don't have a big enough yard to have it and the bird bath and all the neighborhood kids in it all the time. And since I can't seem to get the kids out of the yard and I really like the bird bath might as well see if we can't make a few bucks off of the table before I figure out where to squeeze it in : ). I guess I need to check the weather for this weekend before I get up to the common area and set everything up just to get rained on......

Got some great news today. Looks like I got the job! YAY!!! Thanks to my dear friend Amber for putting such a great word with her boss for me. Now I can finally get my ass enrolled in collage for the first time ever. I was pregnant with my son Zachary when I graduated high school and being a single mom from day one I didn't really give myself the option to further my own education so I put that on the back burner until it was the right time. I am happy to announce that it seems now is the right time. I have discussed it with Mr. Wonderful and he is in full support of my want to attend collage and thinks it will be a great move for myself and our family. Looks like I am going to be studying to become a nurse. I love having such an awesome man in my life, I am so blessed that he is mine. He took me to lunch today so that we could have a little time together just us, so sweet that he thinks of the little things like that.

We had a crazy weekend full of non stop go, go, go, go. First we got Luke, Bryce and Kaleb on Friday, then on Saturday morning Zach went to see his dad so we were down to 4. Bryce had a game Saturday afternoon, they killed us poor guys, and Luke and Kaleb decided to stay with their mom after she showed her ass in front of a stadium full of people like always. Bryce is a daddy's boy so he came with us which put us down to just the 2 boys Jason and Bryce. We decided to go see a movie Saturday night, White house down Chad and Bryce liked it, Jay and I were a little board towards the end of it even though Channing Tatum is a god among men when it comes to the sexy factor. When we got home that evening Amber had dropped off 2 pizzas that they had gotten in a messed up order, Score! Then Sunday the four of us went to the Asian market and wondered around and did a little grocery shopping, and tried all the samples of everything. When we got home I made sushi because I had really been wanting it for about a week, and after that we had Japanese noodles and Korean BBQ for dinner YUMMMM!!!!! Zach finally made it home and Mr. Wonderful had to run Bryce back to his moms and by the time we were done with all that everyone was exhausted and needed to get back to school and work to take a break lol.