Thursday, October 24, 2013


October is finally almost over which means we are getting super close to my favorite holiday. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!! Call me crazy or just a big kid at heart, but I love getting the whole family dressed up and spending the evening trick or treating. I haven't really decorated this year, but I am thinking that whenever my boss decides that I can have a day off again (*hint, hint boss man) I think I will try to get some creepy decorations up in this place lol. I've been trying to find a great big orange trash bag to turn into a front door pumpkin but so far no luck. I also would love to make what looks like a dead man hanging in the tree right out by the front porch, but I am worried about trying to stuff it with something that can get wet if it rains..... maybe newspaper would work. I am also planning on making some bats to hang between our dinning room and living room. Pintrest is my best friend right now!!! My children have started looking at what they want to be this year, Jay has changed his mind about 6 times now, but I think we might be getting close to figuring something cool out. We have searched the Party City web page and tried to find something they would like to be. Even Zach said mom we have all of these, and they were less than impressed with the few that they don't already have so we are really leaning towards making our own this year. Zach has of course picked out something super creepy. Every year he wants to be scarier and scarier and this year is the worst yet. Here is the picture behind the idea he is working with......

I am loving this fall time weather that we have been having the last few days. Makes me want to stock up on some new long sweaters and pull out my boots and leggings. I am a huge fan of the fuzzy boots, I have like 6 pairs in different colors and heights. I don't care if they ever go out of style I am still wearing them because I think it is such a beautiful look and I actually get complements from strangers (usually men) : )

So I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not, but I work with an awesome group of people. I enjoy all the laughing we do all day, all the jokes, all the funny things that go on, on a daily basis. For example today I had a man come in and he was laughing and joking with everyone standing there and all the sudden he got this serious look on his face and he said to me "sweetheart I got a question for you.... are those your teeth?"  !!!!! What??!!! All I could do is look at him wide eyed and say "yeah they are my teeth, who else's teeth would I have??" I could hear the two guys standing behind me snickering. The man smiled and said "no I mean they are yours right?" I couldn't help it I busted out laughing and said "Yes they are mine, no braces, no retainer, no work at all." He did tell me that they were beautiful and I had a very nice smile. I have never worked somewhere that a strange man would walk in and ask if I had real teeth lol. And the inside joke at work is put some water on it! Everyone in the place says it all day long any time something goes wrong. It came from rub some dirt on it and it turned into put some water on it. Crazy bunch of people. I have honestly enjoyed working at this job almost as much as I loved my girls at TRKA when it was Amber, Starr, Candace, Pam and of course Lisa. I felt like we were a family and this place is starting to feel really close to the same, and I am happy to go to work every day. 

Well we have submitted the paper work to buy our first house ever! I am excited and nervous at the same time. Hopefully we will get approved quickly!!! : ) Everyone cross your fingers, say a prayer or whatever it is you do to send me some good vibes. I will be so happy to move into our new home, in fact I saw them start moving a new house in yesterday on the lot that we would like to have : ) It's amazing what a little over a year can bring in someone's life when they decide to change the direction it is going in and start over.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Elle's back......

So I haven't posted in a LONG time because I got word that some people who have done nothing but try to cause trouble for us have been looking at my blog and taking bits, pieces and jokes from it to twist around and make us look bad. Of course when I stopped posting they then tried to say we were doing things to them personally to cause us more trouble. I swear some people are never happy and can't stand to see others who are. I am sure they will nose around my blog before much longer and see this and know it is all about them and I would like to say Hey why not get a life of your own and mind your own business for a change? Just sayin'! (Because the next time I get word that you are trying to cause trouble for my family I will be posting your name and all you and your families short comings and problems for the wonderful world wide web to read about.)

Ok so now that that is over. I have been having a few great weeks at work. I always get about 30 hours a week scheduled, but they have a habit of asking me to work more, or fill in for someone or change my schedule around before the end of the week. I work with some really amazing people who I have enjoyed their company and I have learned to do some new things that I had never tried before so that keeps me interested in the job. I have been there almost 4 weeks and yesterday they asked me if I would go down to another store and do a full day of training other people. It was a 15 hour day and I couldn't do it because I have all 4 of the boys for the long weekend, but it was flattering just to be asked and told I was good enough at my job after such a short time to actually show other people how to do it. : ) Super exciting!

I have been playing this great online game on my FB called Here Be Monsters. The best part in my mind is the fact that you don't have to have all your friends on FB play because you can have up to 100 buddies that aren't your friends play with you. Which is awesome in my world because while I have other games that I play sometimes I get stuck on a game or a level because I don't have enough friends playing to keep going. (super annoying) Anyways this is a fun game that I can get all the things I need myself by either making them, harvesting them, or finding them. It is simple enough for the boys to play, but interactive enough to where adults like to play as well, as long as you can read you can pretty much figure out what you have to do on the game. So if you aren't playing yet you should be : )

So the boys were asking before it got cool out if we could go camping.... here is the problem my idea of camping is a hotel room : ) But as long as I can bring my blow up mattress and I have my personal heater (Mr. Wonderful) sleeping in the same bed/sleeping bag I think I might be alright. So I am working on planning a nice little trip for our family that will include at least one night of camping, tent and all. I am wanting to take them to a place in Pine Mountain in south Georgia called Wild Animal Safari. Zach, Jay and I have been once before, quite a few years ago, and we had the best time! Our favorite part was by far the giraffes, Too Tall and Rosie, who would come right up to the car and put their heads in the windows looking for something to eat. Basically you can either drive your own car, rent a van, or ride a tour bus through the park feeding the animals along the way, and of course when they see you coming they come running because they know you have food and they will let you touch them if you are also willing to feed them. I have the best picture of my sister kissing a giraffe nose that is poking through the window, and her husband holding onto her shoulders trying to pull her away from it.  * side note: I would NOT drive my own car through the place just because when we went before I watched a guy in a truck pull up beside one of the big cow like creatures and while they were looking at it the dang cow put it's whole body along the side of the truck and shook it all over the place. Then it dropped the truck and all I could do was hope that it didn't mess up the suspension or tires on their truck. is their web page and if anyone wants to check out their pictures, prices and other info about them then this is the place to check it out. There is a camp grounds really close to safari so I am thinking that would be a good place to camp out : ) I am sure that the boys will love it, and if we stay more than one day then the camp ground might be a nice place to go fishing or just spend some time outside without the TV or computer (Yikes for everyone in our family)

I must be missing my little lady because when I ran to the grocery store I heard a song on the radio that my little lady was singing the last time she was over and made me think of her. So...... This one is for you Abby baby, since you know every word to this song and sing it just as well if not better than Miranda. : )